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Pre-Application Support Fund

Aims and purpose of the call

The NIHR has provided funding to the Birmingham BRC to directly support applicants to prepare future applications for NIHR career development funding and other career development funding opportunities. NIHR outlines the funding awarded should be used to provide extra support to those who need it to enhance their chances of making a successful application. The funds should therefore be used by individuals for specific and future-focussed activities rather than to supplement existing funded investigations.


There are 4 schemes available to support researchers to prepare applications for funding in order to advance their research career. Please find details and application form for each of these schemes below.

How to apply

Applications are welcome from BRC-affiliated academics/researchers.

Applications should be submitted by email to the Academic Capacity Development lead Trish Lalor (p.f.lalor@bham.ac.uk) with BirminghamBRC@uhb.nhs.uk copied in.

Please note application deadlines vary by scheme.