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Women’s metabolic health

Icon Women's metabolic health lady in circle Icon Women's metabolic health lady in circle

Theme leads

Dr Alessandro Prete

Women's Metabolic Health Theme Lead

Dr Rima Dhillon-Smith

Women's Metabolic Health Theme Lead

A life course approach to improve the metabolic health of women across all generations and backgrounds.

We are working on understanding how girls and women stay healthy because their health affects not just them, but also their children in the future. We know that things like being overweight, where you are from and where you live can change how healthy someone is. But there’s still a lot we don’t know about why this happens.

We are looking at different health issues that mainly girls and women face, like Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS), Intracranial Hypertension, Gestational Diabetes, and Mild Autonomous Cortisol Secretion (MACS). We work with doctors, scientists, experts in women’s health and members of the public who have an interest in the health of girls and women. We work together to better understand these problems.

We want to be able to tell early on if someone might have these health issues and treat them better or stop them from happening. When girls and women go to the doctor, we want to make sure that they are listened to and understood, and that they have the right information to feel confident in choosing treatments. By doing this, we can provide better care and make sure that all girls and women get the help they need to stay healthy now and in the future.

Latest case studies

Research projects

A database to improve maternal safety: Safe-Mums

We are in the process of establishing the Safe-Mum database on maternity datasets…

Predicting complications in gestational diabetes

We are in the process of establishing a living database on maternity datasets…

1PCOS database

We are in the process of establishing a living database on polycystic ovary…