Ways you can get involved in research

Research is better when it is carried out with the people it benefits – patients and the public. There are different ways you can be involved and it can be in more than one way.
Take part in a study
Every trial or study needs people like you to help answer new research questions and improve future healthcare for us all. You can find lots of information about how you can be part of research on the Be Part of Research website.
Work with researchers to plan and do research
Research is more relevant to the people who take part in it when people with similar lived experience shape the design of new studies and have a say in how and the way that a study is conducted.
You can work alongside researchers to:
- co-develop research ideas
- share your ideas about how a study is designed so participants have a good experience
- review public-facing information and materials given to study participants
- advise and contribute to how research findings are shared with the public
- plus many other ways! The point is, we don’t always know what we don’t know.
Find out more about how you can get involved
Find out about new research at our public events
You can hear about the latest developments in research and innovations to health care at our public events. Come and talk with our researchers and find out how research can help your community.