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Staff resources

We are committed to supporting our researchers, allied health professionals, students and staff throughout their journey at the NIHR Birmingham Biomedical Research Centre.
This page features tools and resources for staff and members. If you would like to suggest something to add to this page, please email the BRC core team.
To explore our training and professional development resources, visit our Training page.

Acknowledging the Birmingham BRC
Author affiliation and disclaimer statements for research publications

Our branding guidelines
Birmingham BRC logos, templates and brand guidelines

Involving patients and the public in your research
Support and advice on involving patients and the public in your research

Communicating your research
Resources and support to promote your BRC research

Joint BRC and CTU New Business Proposal Process
Guidance on how to request assistance and advice on new research proposals aligning to the remit of the Birmingham BRC

NIHR Open Access policy
As a publicly funded research body, the NIHR requires authors to make outputs from its research publicly available.