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Involving patients and the public in your research

People involved
Patient and Public Involvement and Engagement Manager
Academic Lead for Patient and Public Involvement and Engagement
Patient and Public Involvement and Engagement Senior Manager
There is plenty of evidence to support why involving patients and the public from early on in our research can prove of value. At the NIHR Birmingham Biomedical Research Centre (BRC), we work in partnership with people from all backgrounds to bring different insights to how our studies are designed, carried out and communicated.
If you’re a researcher looking to involve patients and the public in your work, our Patient and Public Involvement and Engagement (PPIE) team can provide advice and support.
We work with several PPIE groups, including people who are interested in getting involved in health research or have experience of specific conditions. Our patient and public partners can review your research documents and funding proposals, participate in discussion groups with your team, and help make sure your work is relevant and accessible to our diverse communities. This leads to:
- Improved relationships with communities and increased public trust
- Increased credibility and recognition from the public, funders, peers and other stakeholders
- More efficient, effective and impactful research
How our PPIE team can support you
Depending on your experience, current needs and timings, you can:
- Book an advice session with the Birmingham BRC PPIE Manager Laura Chapman to obtain resources and bespoke help. Laura can suggest existing PPIE groups or help you recruit new public contributors, for example through the NIHR People in Research website.
- Work with an existing PPIE group. For instance, the Liver & GI PPIE group hold quarterly meetings you can join.
- Attend an online workshop delivered by Laura Chapman with our BRC PPIE Academic Lead, Steven Blackburn. Check out our training events for the next workshop dates and to sign up.
For further PPIE support, please visit the Birmingham Public Involvement Hub SharePoint site. Here you will find guidance, resources, training opportunities etc. The SharePoint site is open to all BRC partners. If you are unable to access, please email ppi@contacts.bham.ac.uk to request access.
Principles and best practice
Roles and responsibilities
Payment and expenses
Equality, diversity and inclusion
PPIE case studies
- Exploring the expectations, needs and concerns of people with rheumatoid arthritis commencing methotrexate
- Development of a trial of preventative treatments for those at risk of rheumatoid arthritis
- Fostering discussion on women’s health: International Women’s Day Health Inequalities Workshop
- Community engagement on polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) research
- Sharing PPIE best practice in women’s health across the globe