Dr Lisa Hill

Lisa Hill is an Associate Professor in Translational Neuroscience at the University of Birmingham. As the Birmingham BRC Interdisciplinary Theme Lead, Lisa helps our teams collaborate across all our research themes, and to identify and leverage the many cross-disciplinary opportunities within the BRC. Lisa’s goal is to help our themes build on existing links and facilitate the development of new collaborations, both within our Birmingham BRC and across our partner organisations.
Furthermore, Lisa is leading research to understanding how inflammation and dysfunctions in extracellular matrix can lead to neurodegenerative and sight-threatening diseases including glaucoma, age-related macular degeneration and uveitis. This has led to her identifying and developing new immuno- and anti-scarring therapies to treat blinding diseases, and she has developed and patented technologies used for delivering drugs into the eye. Lisa is also the Associate Consortium Director and the Theme Lead for Fluid biomarkers within mTBI-Preditct. mTBI-Predict is a long-term, clinical study that aims to identify the most accurate, reproducible, and clinically practical biomarkers to better identify those at risk of long-term health issues after a traumatic brain injury. Lisa leads a growing team of researchers based within Biomedical Sciences, College of Medicine and Health, and has strong collaborative links both nationally and internationally.