Professor Anthony Metcalfe » Professor Anthony Metcalfe

Professor Anthony Metcalfe

Professor Anthony Metcalfe


Professor of Wound Healing


Professor Anthony Metcalfe is Industrial Chair of Wound Healing in the School of Chemical Engineering at the University of Birmingham and a Fellow of The Royal Society of Biology. Tony is a Biochemist (BSc) and Molecular Geneticist (PhD) and has many years of experience in academic, clinical, not-for-profit, and small to medium Biotech sectors in a range of therapeutic areas. Tony has interdisciplinary experience in innovative discovery, R&D, translational medicine and has regulatory, commercialisation and fund-raising expertise with a patient focussed outlook.

Tony’s research has characterised wound healing and scar reduction, programmed cell death mechanisms in mammary gland biology & pre-implantation development, techniques for creating novel skin substitutes, delivery mechanisms for skin cells and stem cells, as well as engineering bispecific antibodies as a therapy for various cancers. Tony also helped raise funds and develop technologies at two spin-out companies which are or have investigated scar reduction technologies from proof-of-concept lab-based studies through to Phase I – III clinical trials. Tony is currently part of a team developing scar reduction strategies and therapies for skin and ocular applications at The Healthcare Technologies Institute in Birmingham.

Tony has published widely and is a member of the editorial boards of The Frontiers in Surgery: Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery and of Materials in Medicine: Journal of Materials Science.

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